Thursday, May 19, 2011

sunshine smiles.

What's better than the warm sunshine against your skin? Life is so beautiful. Sometimes it's hard to allow yourself to just sit tight and soak it all in. Take advantage of the simple gifts in the everyday life and put a little time for yourself in you're routine. I love being able to just sit in silence. Letting my mind quiet, and my body relax. Not thinking about people, food, work, problems... Just sitting.
I think if we don't take time to just stay in a moment and soak it in, we spend too much time pushing towards the future, until all that's left is remorse in the time we passed up to work towards the time we don't even know for sure if we have or not.
So if we know for sure we have right here, right now, this very second... Wouldn't we want to spend more time in the present instead of tomorrows plans that we don't even know if it's guaranteed to us or not.

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