A friend really put some things in prospective for me the other day.
I don't know if he realizes, but he told me a lot of things that I hope to carry through with for the rest of my life.
He told me that you should never invest emotions into someone with the intentions and outlook that the big things they're lacking as a person, they'll hopefully one day possess and be all that you need them to be.
"It's good to want to encourage someone, to build them up and push them towards their potential, but you also have to take someone where they are and if that isn't somewhere you can be happy with if they DON'T change, then pass".
I like to put a lot of hope and faith in people and desire to see them grow. I want people to have opportunity, and hope for a better future. I never want to doubt someone's potential or strength. But when it comes to my own happiness, and finding someone to share that happiness with, I can't afford to make exceptions with the hope of them one day being all that I need. If I can't fully trust that they're someone that is going to lead me and protect me, invest time and emotion into a relationship and desire to lead me in the ways of Christ, I can't invest precious emotions and feelings that i'm not completely sure will be returned.
I have to believe that there is someone out there willing to lead and love me the way I desire to be loved.
He told me that he was a big fan of picking up and moving to a place and starting completely from scratch and putting himself in situations that forced him to make something of himself. THIS inspired me. I'm always wishing to be somewhere else. Usually, it's some a place like Italy, or sunny California.
I just got a letter saying my application to Azusa Pacific University was still in affect from two years ago when I had applied and received a pretty decent scholarship for writing. Because I was in a relationship with a guy I had been with for almost two years, I let the opportunity pass because of the fear that I might lose him. As time has passed, and I'm no longer dating him, I have come to realize that because I was blinded by young, foolish love, I let go of a major opportunity and my heart still deeply longs to go that route.
Today, I decided I can still go that route. I'ts going to take a little fearless courage, moving 20 hours away to a place I don't know a single person. But i'm ready for change. And i'm ready to do something for myself; take a leap of faith and see where it gets me. If I don't like it, i'm at a place in life where i'm not risking or losing much.
[{At least I can look back and say that I took the chance and I chased a dream}]
SO, I filled out and re-applied for school in sunny California next year. The time building up to the move will be spent saving up and preparing for change. I can't wait to see what that will look like.
I'm dying to breath in these abundant skies |
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